Allklear was invited to Thirsty Thursday (Halloween Edition) "There's tech in snack" on 28th October 2021, to shed the light on the food tech industry in Hong Kong. Victor Chong, our Market Expansion Manager, share his views and ideas on the food-tech industry and how Allklear is making changes in this field. A lot of event-goers were interested in our Detox Future Salad and wish to know more about it after this sharing section
About Eureka Nova
Eureka Nova is a leading open innovation platform that empowers technology startups to co-create within the New World Group (Hong Kong stock code: 0017) ecosystem of culture, founded by Adrian Cheng. It offers a fully integrated enterprise support program, helping young startup hopefuls to turn business ideas into successful and sustainable enterprises
Allklear全清於2021年10月28日受Eureka Nova邀請出席「企業活動 - Thirsty Thursday」,是次活動主題為食品科技的發展,由Allklear全清的市場拓展經理Victor Chong擔任討論嘉賓,分享了他對食品科技發展前景的看法,以及Allklear全清如何運用食品科技改變相關行業,演講結束後亦有嘉賓希望進一步了解Allklear全清的皇牌產品 - 高纖新沙律。
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